IBM- Interview Questions

manager, person, people

IBM Interview Questions 

Collection of IBM Interview Questions. The section contains a real-time interview experience shared by the interviewees.

1st Round (Telephonic)

What is your specification?

What type of projects you handled and the modules you came across?

Can you explain your framework?

Why the review is required and who all are involved?

Difference between class and object?

Difference between Thread.sleep() & selenium.set speed() ?

2nd Round (Face to Face)

Tell me about yourself?

Difference between inner join & outer join?

Write a program to check whether a year is a leap year or not.

What bug tracking tool you used and how you work on that?

Write a program for binary search

Explain OOPS concepts and real-time examples?

What is an assertion and what are the types you used?

Where to use hashmap & where hash table?

Questions related to Xpaths.

Along with XPath what different methods you used to locate web elements?

Why string is immutable?

Some questions from SQL around joins, alter, drop and delete?.

Find first 4 salary getter in employee table?

If 3 employee has the highest salary? Then how we fetch?

Manual Testing Questions.

3rd Round (Face to Face with a panel of 3 members)


Explain the Framework.

What are Agile phases?

How you select cases for regression testing.

Program to see the output as 0,1,1,2,3…..

Difference between Volatile & transient?

Final & finally difference, Example?

Do you have an idea on Enumeration?

How to handle different window?

Return type of getwindow handle()?

String reverse.

Find only those students who scored the 4th highest mark.

Manual testing conceptual questions.

How you work with SVN.

Question regarding file attachment

What is the execution order @test1 (priority=1), @test2 (priority=2), @test3, @test4(priority=3)?

Can we start from 0 ie.prority=0; can we give priority= -12 ie. –ve number?

What difference do you see while working with different browsers? (except set up or configuration level)

Have you got any issue that something working fine in Firefox but not in Chrome? At that time what you‘ll do?

Will you change code for different browser?

Few common questions around  testNG,

Questions around SSL handle, frame handle, working with dynamic web list, auto it, apache POI

Basics of from QC.

There is a round-shaped cake, I need 8 equal pieces, you have the option of cut the cake 3 times?

How about your weakness?

If we say directly you are rejected then what’s your reaction?

4th Round (Manager + HR)

Questions regarding the process followed in the organization

Explain projects and modules

Manual Testing questions with a real-time example, like after you receive the build what is the next stage you will do?

High priority, low severity bugs

Do you know SQL injection?

Have you ever use PURGE, Flash, Back Querry?

File handling questions

Database handling.

File attachment without Auto it? advantage of using Page Object Model in Selenium?

As a tester what difference you see in a product-based & Service based company?

Bug life cycle.

Automation lifecycle.

How to import file in QC.

Questions on Test Design

Why you choose testing not development & that to selenium automation. 

If we say you are not selected then what will be your action?

If we say you are getting hired by our organization what will be your action?

Check more questions on JavaSeleniumDatabaseAPI, and Manual testing

About IBM

4 thoughts on “IBM- Interview Questions”

  1. Binary Search Algorithm:
    public class BinarySearch {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] input= {-22,-15,1,7, 20,35,55};

    public static int search(int[] a, int k)
    int low=0;int high=a.length-1;
    int mid=(low+high)/2;
    return mid;
    else if(a[mid]<k)
    return -1;


  2. 16. The order of execution of the test cases would be
    The reason why the test case 3 would execute first is because, we didn’t mention the priority for test case 3 so the default priority would be 0
    and it will execute first.

  3. 7. Difference between final and finally
    1. final is a keyword which can be assigned to either a variable or a method or a class
    If we declare a variable as final then we have to initialize the final variable at the time of declaration and the value cannot be changed once initialized
    If we declare a method as final, it cannot be overridden in its sub class.
    If we declare a class as final then it cannot be sub-classed.
    2. finally is a block which is used along with try catch block. We place the code which we want to get executed compulsory after the try catch block. Mostly it is a good practice to write the cleanup code in the finally block.

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