Wells Fargo- Interview

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Wells Fargo Interview Questions

Collection of Wells Fargo Interview Questions. The section contains a real-time interview experience shared by the interviewees.


1st Round (Telephonic)

  1. Difference between Abstract and Encapsulation.

  2. How to handle Calendar in Selenium?

  3. There are  2 fields of username and password and there are adjacent 2 fields without label name, How do you take Xpath of this?

  4. In a calendar, if Feb 29 date is not there how will you handle in selenium?

  5. How to handle exceptions?

  6. WAP to calculate the occurrence of alphabets of JAVA.

  7. If there is a String A, String B, and String C= A+B, How many objects are created in memory?

2nd Round (Face to Face)


  1. When to use of LIKE operator and examples.

  2. How to find the 3rd highest salary in a table?

  3. Difference between Union and Union all.

  4. What are Aggregate functions? 

  5. When we will use joins give examples.

  6. How to select only duplicates in SQL?


  1. What is the principle of Rest API?

  2. Explain what is URI?

  3. Status Codes

  4. What are the mandatory test cases we should execute?

  5. Describe how do you validate the response? 

  6. How you create a collection in Postman


  1. Why static is used in the main method?

  2. How to execute the methods without using the main method?

  3. Characteristics of Static keyword

  4. In method overloading can we use static and non-static methods both in the same class?

  5. How many ways we can create the Object?

  6. If we don’t use catch block what will the o/p displayed in the console?

  7. How to handle Web Table?

  8. In a method or constructor can we use both super and this keyword?

  9. An application is displaying 2 days after the current date how you validate in automation?

  10. How to verify values in a column in the web table are sorted or not?

  11. When we use Array List and Set?

  12. What is linkedarraylist?


  1. How do you ensure the Test Coverage?

  2. RTM will be having what information?

  3. If the build is provided very late need to deployed by tomorrow morning what will be your approach

  4. What is the test design technique?

  5. How do you decide which test case is having priority?

  6. If the developer doesn’t agree on the defect what will be your approach?

  7. If you are getting a production defect how will you handle this and how you ensure it will not repeat again?

  8. Can you give an example of a complex test case?

  9. When you execute the Regression suite and how to select the regression suite?

  10. If 2 members have their own approach to resolve the issue whose suggestion should be considered and why?

3rd Round (Manager Round)

  1. Tell me about your projects.

  2. Flexible with Shifts.

  3. Tell me the Challenges faced in your Project.

  4. How to handle conflict in a team.

  5. Roles and Responsibility.

  6. Which Domains you have worked.

  7. How soon you can join and reason for the change.

Check more questions on JavaSelenium, Database, API and Manual testing.

About Wells Fargo

5 thoughts on “Wells Fargo- Interview”

  1. 6. import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;

    public class WellsFargoIQ1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void countOccurrences(String s)
    Map map=new HashMap();
    for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
    map.put(s.charAt(i), (map.getOrDefault(s.charAt(i), 0))+1);
    for(Map.Entry entries:map.entrySet())
    System.out.println(entries.getKey()+” –> “+entries.getValue());


  2. 3.
    Static Keyword is used to declare static variables, static methods and static blocks. Before main method static blocks will be executed.
    If we declare a variable as static we can call directly inside a static method
    If we declare a method as static then we can call them inside the main method directly without creating an object.
    static members are class level members.
    If we want to use either static variables or static methods we have to use classname.variablename or classname.methodname.

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