Test Cases For Forgot Password


Test Cases For Forgot Password

Complete List of the Test Cases For Forgot Password in a Web Application. Test Scenarios For Website Testing.

  1. Verify that forget password link should be present on the login screen.
  2. Verify that on clicking on the forget password link forget password page should open. 3.Verify that the email field is present on the forget password page to recover the
  3. Verify as the user update password, the user should log out from all browser and
  4. Verify that storage for the database on forgot password.
  5. Verify that an email validation is added to the email field.
  6. Verify Submit button should be present on the page.
  7. Verify the whole button should be clickable not only the button text. 9.Verify that the link sent to the user should expire after a certain time.
  8. Verify sent password link should be disabled on clicking multiple times on the link or as per specification and requirement.
  9. Verify the error message should be displayed after entering an unregistered user email id.
  10. Verify the displayed error message for unregistered should be meaningful.
  11. Verify the confirmation message check your email to recover the password should be
    displayed after clicking on the button by entering the registered email id.
  12. Verify that the user will get an email after entering a valid email id in forget password. 15.Verify the email which the user gets against forgot password should be displayed in the
    inbox, not in the spam folder.
  13. Verify the error message should be displayed when clicking on the recover button
    without entering the email id.
  14. Verify the user will get the forget password email from [email protected].
  15. Verify the heading displayed in forget password screen should be ” Forget Password “. 19.Verify the error message should be displayed when entering spaces in the field and
    clicking on the Submit button.
  16. Verify the subject name displayed in forget password email should be ” Your New
  17. Verify user should be login successfully with the new password not by the old password.
  18. Verify message should be shown on profile change your password in case if a temporary password is sent in the email.