Test cases for delete button


Test cases for delete button

Complete List of the Test cases for delete button in a Web Application. Test Scenarios For Website Testing.

  1. Verify Delete button is present on the page or not.
  2. Check delete/trash icon with Button text is shown or not.
  3. Verify whether the whole button should be clickable or not.
  4. Verify a confirmation message on the popup or alert shown as the user clicks on the
    delete button.
  5. Make sure the record or report should not be deleted as the user clicks on the NO
    on the confirmation popup.
  6. Make sure that the delete functionality works as the user clicks on the YES button
    on the confirmation popup.
  7. Verify record should be deleted successfully from the database as the user clicks
    on the Yes button on the confirmation popup.
  8. Verify the system offering the user to recover the deleted record by clicking on the
    Undo that will be shown as the user deletes the record.
  9. As the user clicks on the Undo button record or deleted file should be restored to
    the same position or location.
  10. Check whether the user can delete the record by clicking on the delete button
    present on the keyboard or not.
  11. Check as the user delete the record successfully it should not be shown again in
    the table.
  12. Verify as the user deletes the report it should be redirected to the correct required
    screen or not.
  13. Verify whether the user can delete multiple files at once or not.
  14. Check for multiple delete actions the user can select the records by selecting the
  15. Verify an error message should be shown if the user clicks on the Delete button
    without selecting the file.
  16. Verify only the user-selected file(s) should be deleted and not affect any other