Selenium + Java Part 7

manual testing
Explain the features of JAVA?
How do u say JAVA is platform-independent?
Is JVM platform independent? 1282. Explain ANT and what are its pros and cons?
Acronym of ANT and POI?
What is Cucumber?
What are the advantages of Cucumber?
What are the 2 files required to execute a Cucumber test scenario?
What language is used by Cucumber?
What is meant by a feature file?
What does a feature file consists of?
What are the various keywords that are used in Cucumber for writing a scenario?
What is Scenario Outline in Cucumber and its purpose?
What programming language is used by Cucumber?
What is the purpose of Step Definition file in Cucumber?
What are the major advantages of Cucumber framework?
Provide an example of a feature file using the Cucumber framework.
Provide an example of a Scenario Outline using Cucumber framework?
What is the purpose of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) methodology in the real world?
What is the limit for the maximum number of scenarios that can be included in the feature file?
What is the use of Background keyword in Cucumber?
What symbol is used for parameterization in Cucumber?
What is the purpose of Examples keyword in Cucumber?
What is the file extension for a feature file?
Provide an example of step definition file in Cucumber.
What is the purpose of Cucumber Options tag?
How can Cucumber be integrated with Selenium WebDriver?
When is Cucumber used in real-time?
Provide an example of Background keyword in Cucumber?
What is the use of Behavior Driven Development in Agile methodology?
Explain the purpose of keywords that are used for writing a scenario in Cucumber?
What is the name of the plugin that is used to integrate Eclipse with Cucumber?
What is the meaning of TestRunner class in Cucumber?
Provide an example of TestRunner class in Cucumber?
What is the starting point of execution for feature files?
Should any code be written within TestRunner class?
What is the use of features property under Cucumber Options tag?
What is the use of glue property under Cucumber Options tag?
What is the maximum number of steps that are to be written within a scenario?
Give an example of a behaviour-driven test in plain text?
Give the example for step definition using “Given” function?
What is the difference between Jbehave and Cucumber?
Explain what is test harness? 1322. Explain when to use Rspec and when to use Cucumber?
What is the language used for expressing scenario in feature file?
Explain what are regular expressions in Cucumber?
What software do you need to run a Cucumber Web Test?
Cucumber Execution Starts From Where?
What Is Support, Env.rb And Hooks.rb ?
What Is Profile In Cucumber?
What Are Before, After, Beforestep And Afterstep Hooks?
What Are Cucumber Tags? Why We Use The Tags?
What Is Cucumber Dry Run?
Is It Mandatory To Use The Keywords While Writing Scenario Steps?
How To Generate Cucumber Execution Reports?
How to run a Particular Scenario from a Feature File ?
Explain what is Scenario Outline In Feature File?
What Is Step Definition In Cucumber?
Explain What is BDD (Behaviour Driven Development)?
What are the benefits of BDD in Selenium?
What are the different scenarios in the Cucumber tool?
How Cucumber complies with BDD?
What are the prerequisites for building a Selenium Cucumber automation framework?
Are there any ready-made Selenium-Cucumber frameworks available?
What if you don’t use the cucumber keywords in test steps?
Define a feature file. Mention the components of the feature file?
How can any scenario in the feature file be written?
Mention the main reasons behind using a simple programming language such as Gherkin?
What is the meaning of Steps in Cucumber tool?
What is Cucumber Report? Mention the benefits of Cucumber Report?
What is the cucumber.yml file in cucumber?
How does the feature of this product/project look like?
Explain JUnit Runner?
What are the steps to generate a report in Cucumber?
Full form of BDD?
Full form of TDD?
Name any 3 popular BDD testing tools?
What is the difference between cucumber, JBehave, and Specflow?
What are the two main purposes of using Gherkin?
What is the difference between Given, When, Then steps in feature file?
How to comment a line in Feature file? 1360. Cucumber Tags are case sensitive. True or False?
Name any two testing framework that can be integrated with Cucumber?
Name any two build management tools that can be integrated with Cucumber?
What software do you need to run cucumber in JAVA?
How does a JUnit Test Runner class look like?
What is @CucumberOptions in test runner? List the properties of @CucumberOptions?
Name any advanced framework design that can be used with Cucumber?
Selenium can be integrated with Cucumber. True or False?
Explain Cucumber Hooks?
Can you name any other BDD tools except Cucumber?
What are the programming language supported by Cucumber?
What are the programming languages supported by Cucumber?
How to install Cucumber in Eclipse IDE?
What are the JAR files to be used for Cucumber?
What is the real-time use of Cucumber?
What is the plugin’s name that is used to integrate Cucumber into Eclipse IDE?
What are the Gherkin keywords?
How many times scenario outline will be executed?
If Before hook is available and background is available for a scenario, in which order they will be executed?
Explain the procedure how do you create cucumber end to end tests for the given test case. launch a website Enter “selenium” in search field click on search button results should be displayed.?
Types of reports generated by cucumber JUNIT?
What is background and when it will be executed?
How to run multiple feature files in Cucumber?
How to create a feature file in Cucumber?
How to run Cucumber tests in parallel?
Explain types of Hooks in Cucumber?
Is Cucumber open source?
Can we write cucumber tags ( @smoke , @Run etc ) above feature keyword in feature file?
What is the pattern of writing Given, When, Then, And, or But?
What is the main difference between Scenario and Scenario outline?
Write a three-line code to show a scenario outline?
What are the cucumber assertions?
Does cucumber support steps hooks?
What are the tagged hooks in cucumber?
On what places you can write tags in feature file?
What is Tag Inheritance in cucumber?
What are Data Tables in Cucumber?
Can we use TestNG with cucumber?
How does the Cucumber execution start?
How will you execute specific scenario using line number?
What is Test Runner in cucumber?
What is the execution priority in cucumber?
Can we use the same step definition in different scenarios?
Can we have two-step definition for one scenario step?
Have you created any Framework?
Can you explain the Selenium Framework which you have used in your project?
What is Fluent Wait in Selenium WebDriver?

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