What are the different types of comments in Java? |
What are the different things required for storing data in Java? |
What is the different data types in Java and what is their purpose? |
Is String a primitive data type? |
What are the different types of Operators in Java? |
What are the different flow control structures in Java? |
What is the difference between while and do..while loop in Java? |
Can we call the same method multiple times in Java? |
What is the keyword to be used in Java while declaring methods, when the method doesn’t have anything to return? |
What are the different types of Arrays in Java? |
What is the predefined variable of Arrays, which can be used to find the size of the arrays? |
Provide an example for using for loop with single-dimensional arrays? |
Provide an example for using a for-each loop with single-dimensional arrays? |
What is Customized XPath? |
What is BDD and explain its use? |
What is the folder structure of your framework and explain each folder? |
How to create a job in Jenkins? |
Explain the life cycle of Maven? |
Explain different Git commands? |
How to close a Database (DB) connection? |
How to handle the dynamic tables in Selenium? |
How to handle multiple frames in Selenium? |
What is Abstraction in Java? |
How to define elements using @FindBy annotation? |
How to set the Firefox Profile in Selenium WebDriver? |
How do you connect to a Database (DB) in your framework? |
How to run the test scripts in Jenkins? |
How many ways we can define a String in Java? |
What is the difference between super and this keyword in Java? |
What is the difference between final and finally keywords? |
Can you access the private method from outside the class? |
How to convert an Array to ArrayList and ArrayList to Array? |
Why does static need to be specified before variables and classes? What actually is its real-time purpose/advantage? |
Why we have to use the synchronized block in Java? |
What is the difference between HashSet and TreeSet? |
What is the difference between public and private access modifier? |
What is Page Chaining Model? |
What is the difference between String array and Char array? |
Is null a keyword in Java? |
What are class level variables in Java? |
What is the default value of a boolean variable in Java? |
What is the default value of an integer variable in Java? |
What is the default value of an object in Java? |
What is final? |
How to read data from the XML files? |
What is JDBC and how it can be used to connect to the Database? |
Class.forName(X). What will you write in place of X? |
If we write FileInputStream statements in a try block, what are the statements we will write in finally block? |
Explain about typecasting? |
What is a Data Provider and what is its return type? |
What is the difference between JUnit and TestNG? |
How to handle AJAX applications in WebDriver? |
How to capture the bitmaps in Selenium? |
How many annotations are there in Testng and what are they? |
How to create the reusable methods for reading the data from the Excel files? |
How to create the reusable methods for reading the data from the XML files? |
What is the difference between include and exclude in TestNG? |
How to execute the single selected method in TestNG? |
How the packages and classes are structured in TestNG.xml? |
What are assertions and why we go for them in TestNG? |
Tell me a login page script in TestNG? |
What is the difference between @Parameters and @DataProviders in TestNG? |
What problems you have faced while working with TestNG? |
How to create Suites in TestNG? |
How to prioritize the tests in TestNG at Class level and Suite level? |
Can Selenium automate Client-Server applications? |
What are the limitations of Selenium WebDriver? |
Tell me about the Selenium WebDriver architecture? |
How to identify web elements? |
When do you go for an XPath? |
How to execute the tests on Firefox Browser in Selenium? |
What is the difference between id and name? |
How to handle dynamic web elements in Selenium? |
What is the default timeout of Selenium WebDriver? |
When do we use implicit and explicit waits in Selenium? |
How to select a date in a calendar on a web page using Selenium? |
How to execute the Selenium scripts in Eclipse IDE from the command prompt using ANT? |
How to execute the Selenium scripts on different browsers? |
What is the purpose of isDisplayed() function in Selenium WebDriver? |
What is the difference between isDisplayed() and isEnabled() functions in Selenium WebDriver? |
Can you test flash images in Selenium? |
How to verify whether an object is present on the multiple pages? |
How to select the third value from a drop-down field? |
How to get columns from a table? |
How many scripts are you writing and executing per day? |
Which driver implementation will allow headless mode? |
Which reporting mechanism you have used in your Selenium projects? |
Why did you choose Selenium in your project, when there are so many tools? |
What is the difference between Java and JavaScript? |
How to send emails from official mail id? |
How do you make use of JSON files in Selenium Grid? |
How to pause a test execution for 5 seconds at a specific point? |
Explain project, roles & Experience summary? |
What are the advantages of using TestNG? |
Can you arrange the below testng.xml tags from parent to child? |
<test> |
<suite> |
<class> |
<methods> |
<classes> |
What is the importance of testng.xml file? |
What is TestNG Assert and list out common TestNG Assertions? |
What is Soft Assert in TestNG? |
What is Hard Assert in TestNG? |
How to create Group of Groups in TestNG? |
How to exclude a particular test method from a test case execution using TestNG? |
How to exclude a particular group from a test case execution using TestNG? |
How to disable a test case in TestNG? |
How to ignore a test case in TestNG? |
What are the different ways to produce reports for TestNG results? |
How to write regular expressions in testng.xml file to search @Test methods containing “smoke” keyword? |
What is the time unit we specify in test suites and test cases? |
List out various ways in which TestNG can be invoked? |
How to run TestNG using command prompt? |
What is the use of @Test(invocationCount=x)? |
What is the use of @Test(threadPoolSize=x)? |
What does the test timeout mean in TestNG? |
Write a program to check whether a given number is a Prime number? |
Find the factorial of a given number in a non-recursive way? |
How to reverse a String? |
How to remove Junk or special characters in a String? |
How to reverse an integer? |
How to find the missing number in an Array? |
How to find duplicate elements in a Java Array? |
How to find the smallest and largest numbers in a Java Array? |
Explain String manipulation in Java? |
Write a Java program to swap two strings without using temp or third variable? |
Explain stack and heap in Java for memory management? |
Explain SingletonDesign pattern in Java? |
How to achieve SingletonDesign in Selenium WebDriver? |
What are your roles and responsibilities as part of the automation in your project? |
What is an interface and where you have used in your Framework? |
How to achieve multiple inheritance in Java? |
How to select an option in a list box? |
What is an iframe and how to handle it using Selenium WebDriver? |
How do you count the total number of rows in a web table? 600. How to select a checkbox present in a grid? |
Write an XPath to find all the hyperlinks on a web page? |
How to read and verify the text on the tooltip using Selenium WebDriver? |
What are the different XPath types and which XPath type you have used in your projects? |
An element has an id “bng_123” but its number is changing. How to handle it? |
How to get text from hidden elements? |
What is a timeout in the grid? |
What do you mean by max instance and max sessions? |
Is it mandatory to have the same name for Class name and Java file ? |
What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector? |
How do you write a custom class which is immutable? |
Create a custom class which contains an interface in it and custom class should be responsible for performing operations. Which type of interface will you use to create such a custom class? |
If there is an element which contains id attribute, that id is split by two parts by ‘_’ (underscore), first part is constant and second part is changing. How do you find that element using id 613. What is browser time out in a grid |
Suppose I want to check a particular exception in TestNG. How will you check? |
What are the different access modifiers in Java and explain each of them? |
Draw the architecture of a framework implementing Page Object Model and its uses? |
Suppose you have amount field which accepts 0 to 1000, write manual and automation test cases for that field. |
Explain the automation process followed in your company? |
What is the difference between Maven and TestNG? |
What are the important Classes in WebDriver? |
What is Sikuli, its purpose and explain more about it? |
What is the Robot Class and explain more about it? |
What is AutoIt and explain more about it? |
What is the difference between AutoIt, Sikuli and Robot Class? |
Which is best in AutoIt, Sikuli and Robot Class along with reasons? |
Suppose there is a window popup which accepts username and password, and I use AutoIt to automate it. While the test is running I open note pad parallelly at the time of autoit code execution. Will the username and password enter into the window popup or the notepad? |
Can we use AutoIt on other operating systems? |
Do you know any third-party reporting other than testng? |
Can’t we execute tests parallelly without using Selenium Grid? |
What is the difference between TestNG and Grid? |
How do you execute tests in Selenium Grid? |
How do you attach a screenshot to test, which tool is using for screenshot attachment? |
If you execute the scenarios in your project multiple times, will the reports override? If they override, how will you take a backup of a previous test report? |
How will you read the CSV file and write some sample code? |
Which excel files have you used in your company xls or xlsx for automation needs? |
What classes you will use for reading the PDF files? |
What is the use of pdfstripper class? |
What is a deferred state? |
How many test scripts you can write per day? |
Which framework is used in your project? |
How will you send numerics in sendKeys method? |
Suppose a test case is given to you. How will you decide whether to automate or not? |
Suppose I clicked on 4 links in a page, 4 new windows got opened. How to switch to 4th window from the main window? |
What is the default content? |
How do you rate yourself on a scale of 5 in java? |
How do you rate yourself on a scale of 5 in selenium? |
What is verbose? |
What is thread count? |
When a class implements two interfaces having a common method, which interface method does the class implement? |
What is the flow of try, catch and finally blocks? |
What is finally in Java? |
How many values will a method return in Java? |
What is abstract in Java? |
Which design patterns have you used to develop frameworks? |
try block has exit method, catch block has an exception and finally block is returning an int value. Can you explain the flow of execution? |
Have you ever come across conflict in code. How do you resolve? |
Can a constructor be private? |
Assert is an abstract or static method? |
What is instance block at the class level and method level? |
What is the difference between a Class and Interface? |
Can we have multiple catch blocks in try catch statements in Java? |
Can we have multiple try blocks in try catch statements in Java? |
Can we have multiple finally blocks in try catch statements in Java? |
What is mutable and immutable? |
What are the types of Synchronization in Java? |