Selenium + Java Part 2

manual testing
Write a Java program to convert string to long?
Write a Java program to convert string to float?
Write a Java program to convert string to double?
Write a Java program to convert string to date?
Write a Java program to demonstrate ArrayList?
Write a Java program to demonstrate LinkedList?
Write a Java program to demonstrate ArrayList using List interface?
Write a Java program to demonstrate HashSet?
Write a Java program to demonstrate LinkedHashSet?
Write a Java program to demonstrate TreeSet?
Write a Java program to demonstrate PriorityQueue?
Write a Java program to demonstrate creating HashMap using Map interface?
Write a Java program to demonstrate LinkedHashMap?
Write a Java program to demonstrate TreeMap?
Write a Java program to demonstrate Hashtable?
Write a Java program to demonstrate creating an Array?
Write a Java program to demonstrate creating a Multidimensional array?
Write a Java program to demonstrate creating factorial of a number using recursion?
Write a Java program to demonstrate Method Overloading?
What is a Class in Java?
What is the difference between heap and stack?
What is the difference between instance variable and a local variable?
What is a Constructor and the different types of Constructors?
What is the difference between break and continue statements?
What is the command used in Java for exiting the system from current execution?
What are the additional features in Java 8?
What is the difference between for and for-each loops in Java?
Can we have multiple public classes inside a single class in Java?
What are the different types of inheritance in Java?
What is Polymorphism, give example and how can we achieve it?
Can we achieve method overloading when the two methods have only difference in return type?
Give different examples for method overloading and overriding in the Selenium Project?
What is encapsulation in Java?
What is IS-A and Has-A relationship in Java with examples?
What is super and final keywords in Java and the difference between them?
Explain run time polymorphism and compile-time polymorphism with examples?
Can final methods be overloaded?
Can static methods be overloaded?
Can final methods be overridden?
Can static methods be overridden?
Can we overload the main method in Java?
Can we execute a class without a main method?
What is a Package in Java?
What is an Abstract Class in Java and explain with an example?
What is an Interface and how it is different from Abstract Class?
Can we use private and protect access modifiers inside an Interface?
Can multiple inheritances support in Interface?
Give examples for Abstract class and Interface used in your Selenium Project?
What is Exception and what is its base class?
What is Final, Finally and Finalize?
What is Garbage Collection in Java and how exactly it is done?
What is the difference between throw and throws?
What is Reflection and Singleton in Java?
What is threading?
How does multi-threading is achieved?
How to initiate a thread in Java?
What do you mean by thread-safe?
What is the difference between collection and collections?
What is a Collection and what are the types of collections?
What is the difference between Array and ArrayList?
What is the difference between Set and HashSet?
What is the difference between HashMap and HashTable?
What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?
How do you use Map Collections in your Selenium Project (Give some examples) ?
Can we have a duplicate key value in HashMap?
How to fetch values from a HashMap?
What is the difference between String and StringBuffer?
Write a Java program to verify whether a number is a perfect number or not?
Write a Java program for printing the Fibonacci series from 1 to 10?
Write a Java program to find the greatest of three numbers?
Find and print the largest two numbers from an array of given numbers?
In the given String, remove the white spaces, reverse it and print only the odd position characters?
Check whether a string is an anagram of another string?
In a given string, change few characters to upper case as asked?
In a given string, print the occurrence of each character?
Find the duplicate strings in a given statement and remove them?
Use the split method to print each word of a statement?
Find and remove the duplicate characters from a given string and print?
Write a Java program to print the triangle of numbers?
Write a Java program to read and write a file?
Write a Java program to calculate the power of a number using a while loop?
How do you select the drivers to launch a URL?
Which method is used to fetch the driver?
Explain the concept of Object Repository?
What is the difference between findElement() and findElements(), its return type and few examples of where you have used in Selenium Projects?
Which method can be used to get the text of an element?
How to check which check-box from multiple check-box options is selected previously using Selenium?
What is the return type of isSelected() method in Selenium?
What are the different methods which can be used to verify the existence of an element on a web page?
What is XPath Axes and what are the different Axes available?
How to fetch an element when its attributes are changing frequently?
What are the different ways to click on a button using Selenium?
What are the different types of waits, write their syntax, differences and explain the example scenarios where you have used in your Selenium Projects?
What are the different types of Exceptions in Selenium?
How to handle Selenium WebDriver Exceptions?
There are four browser windows opened and you don’t have any idea where the required element is present. What will be your approach to find that element?
How do you handle an alert pop-up in Selenium?
How do you retrieve the text displayed on an Alert?
How do you type text into the text box on an Alert?
Is Alert in Selenium an Interface or Class?
How do you handle frames in Selenium?
Give an example for method overloading concept that you have used in Selenium?
How do you select a value from a drop-down field and what are the different methods available?
When your XPath is matching more than one element, how do you handle it to locate the required element?
How do you capture screen-shots in Selenium and what is the best place to have the screen-shot code?
Write the code for connecting to Excel files and other operations?
How do you read and write into a PDF file?
What are the disadvantages of Selenium?
How do you debug your automation code when it is not working as expected?
What are the end methods you use for verifying whether the end result is achieved by our Selenium automation scripts?
How do you clear the cookies of a browser using Selenium, before starting the execution?
How do you implement collections in your framework?
Give a scenario where inheritance is used in your framework?
Give a scenario where interface is used in your framework? 382. Write code using JavascriptExecutor to scroll the web page?
What is the use of the property file in Selenium?
How do you handle multiple browsers selection in Selenium?
What do you use for reporting in your Selenium Project?
What are the different annotations available in TestNG and how they are different from JUnit annotations?
Explain the usage of different annotations available in TestNG?
How do you prioritize your test cases in Selenium?
Suppose you want to skip one test method from execution, how do you skip it from execution?
How Cross Browser testing is handled in Selenium?
What is the hierarchy of testNG.xml tags?
Explain the structure of testng.xml file?
What are the different methods of Assert?
How do you store your TestNG reports?
How do you use Parameters in TestNG?
What is the use of grouping in TestNG?
What is Maven and its advantages of using it in your Selenium Project?
How do you define dependencies in your Maven Project?
What is the name of maven folder which contains all the libraries?
How do you enter values using Keys commands in Selenium?
If a page contains 1000 images, how can you fetch 100th image?
What is your approach to develop Automation Test Cases?
How do you estimate your Automation Test Cases?
How do you track your Automation Test Cases?
How do you execute your Automation Test Cases?
Have you worked in any BDD Framework?
Tell me any difficulties you faced in developing automation scripts? Can you give any examples for any complex scenarios handled?
What is Jenkins?
What are the commands used in Jenkins?
How do you set up Maven Project in Jenkins?
How do you start Jenkins?
What is the difference between List and Set?
How to switch to another window using Selenium?
How will you ensure that the page has been loaded completely?
What are the different classes which implement WebDriver?
Can Selenium Automated Desktop Applications?
What is the purpose of using Firebug?
What is the main component of Selenium?
What is the disadvantage of Absolute XPath and why is Relative XPath recommended over it?
What is the concept that makes XPath Expressions powerful out of all the locators?
Why CSS Selectors have higher priority over XPath Expressions?
What are the names of add-ons which can auto-generate the XPath Expressions and CSS Selectors?
Write a Java program for printing the even numbers between 1 and 100 using for loop?
Write a Java program to find the sum of first 100 numbers using for loop?
Write a for loop which prints numbers from 1 to 100. But if the number is divisible by 5, then it should print ‘divisible by 5 followed by that number’?
What is the parent or base class of all the classes in Java?
Is Java a pure 100% Object Oriented Programming language?
What is the difference between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data types in Java?
Why Strings are immutable in Java?
Write a Java program for accessing all the elements of the two dimensional array int[][] a = {{5,2,9},{4,6,8}}; using for loop?
How to assign different types of values say integer, character, string, decimal and boolean into the same array?
What is the disadvantage of an array?
What is the difference between equals() and == operator?
What is the purpose of using Wrapper classes in Java?
What is the purpose of using Constructors in Java?
How Constructors are different from Methods in Java?
What is the purpose of using ‘this’ keyword in Java?
What is Overloading in Java?
What is the purpose of using Packages in Java?
What is the keyword used by a Java class to inherit the properties say variables and methods of another Class?
How to access the variables and methods of another class in Java?
What is Overriding in Java?
Is Overriding applicable for Constructors in Java?
What are the different modifiers in Java?
What is the difference between default and protected access modifiers in Java?
What is the difference between static and instance variable in Java?
What is the difference between static and non-static methods in Java?
What happens when we specify the final non-access modifier with variables and methods in Java?
What is the difference between abstract classes and interfaces in Java?
What is the keyword used for inheriting the interfaces in Java?
How to handle exceptions in Java?
What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java?
Write the code from reading the text from the file (having ten lines of text) using file handling mechanism and while loop?
What is the disadvantage of Arrays and how to overcome them in Java?
What is the difference between ArrayList and HashSet in Java?
What is the relationship between the Iterator interface and iterator() method in Java?
What are the predefined methods of HashMap, which are used for adding the value and retrieving the value in Java?
What will this Java code print: String x = “Latest version”; String y = “of Selenium”; int z = 3; System.out.println(“We are learning Selenium”+” and the “+x+” “+y+” is “+z); ?
Write a Java Program to print the below output: * 1 * 12 * 123 * 1234 * 12345 * 123456 * 1234567
Write a Java program to create an integer array int[] a = {9,3,6,8,4,7} and print the elements of the array in reverse?
Write a Java program to print alternative elements in a String array String[] a = {“One”,” Two”,”Three”,”Four”} ?
Write a Java program to find the greatest number in an integer array int[] a = {9,3,6,4,8,5} ?
Write a Java program to find the least number in an integer array int[] a = {9,3,6,4,8,5} ?
Is Java case sensitive?
Which keyword is used for defining/creating a Class in Java?
What is the method from which Java Programs starts execution?
Give some examples for compile time errors in Java Programs?
What is the difference between print and println statements in Java?

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