GENPACT- Interview Questions

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GENPACT Interview Questions

Collection of GENPACT Interview Questions. The section contains a real-time interview experience shared by the interviewees.

Technical Round 1 (Manual + SQL)

  1. Can you tell me about your project?

  2. What testing methodology do you follow in your project?

  3. What is the difference between regression testing and functional testing?

  4. Can you please explain to me the defect life cycle?

  5. What is Ad-hoc testing?

  6. Difference between static and dynamic testing?

  7. What are the types of joins?

  8. Can you write the syntax for Inner-Join?

  9. How do you update a table with a new set of data on both rows and columns?

  10. Can you explain the MAX () function in SQL for example?

  11. Can you elaborate DDL, DML with few commands for each type?

  12. What is the difference between a primary key and a unique key?

  13. Can primary key accept null values?

  14. Can a table have multiple primary keys? 

Technical Round 2 (Manual +Java/Selenium+ SQL)


  1. Explain to me your project architecture?

  2. Explain Agile-Scrum methodology?

  3. Tell me about the Bug life cycle with all phases?

  4. Have you come across deferred defects and what those defects indicate?

  5. What is compatibility testing? Give me an example? 

  6. What are the severity and priority?

  7. Give an example of high severity and high priority?

  8. Difference between regression and retesting?

  9. How do you map test cases to requirements in QC?

  10. Describe how do you link the defect to the test case in QC?

  11. How did you perform integration testing in your project? 

  12. When can I use stubs or drivers? Have you used a top-down approach or bottom-up approach type of integration testing?

  13. Have you involved in the SDLC process? Explain the High-Level process of STLC?

  14. What do you do in test closure?

  15. What is the difference between two-tier and n-tier architecture?


  1. What is an abstract class?

  2. Difference between abstract class and interface?

  3. How do you know when to use abstract class and Interface?

  4. What is overloading and overriding? Justify me with your examples by implementing your code?

  5. Explain comparable and comparator in java?

  6. What is the significance of the final & finally?

  7. What is the use of these and super keywords?

  8. Explain oops concepts with examples?

  9. Explain about exceptions in java?

  10. Why string is immutable?

  11. Difference between Array list and Vector?

  12. Draw the collections hierarchy?

  13. What are boxing and unboxing?


  1. Explain ATLC (Automation Life Cycle)?

  2. Differences between SIDE, RC, and Web Driver?

  3. What is your framework and explain to me about your framework?

  4. What is the object repository and explain the page factory technique?

  5. Write a code of how you will access web elements x-paths from page factory classes?

  6. How to invoke an application in web driver?

  7. How do you handle dynamic web elements?

  8. What are the different exceptions you got when working with Web Driver?

  9. Difference between implicit wait and explicit wait?

  10. What are web elements and what are the different ways to identify them?

  11. Explain to me about JDBC connections with web driver?

  12. What types of testing does selenium automation support?

  13. How to work on the dynamic drop-down list, tell me the steps to work with it and it must include actions class with mouse hover operations?

  14. How to launch different browsers in Web Driver? Write the code for it.

  15. What is Apache POI?

  16. Write a code to get the data from excel using the POI library?

  17. Why TestNG and why not JUnit?

  18. Explain me @Before Method and @After Class annotations in TestNG?

  19. What is batch and group execution in TestNG?

  20. What are listeners?

  21. When you will use a data provider?

  22. What is Selenium Grid?

  23. How do you know which test cases to automate and which not to automate?

  24. What are the challenges you faced when working with selenium?

  25. What is log4j and how did you use in web driver?

  26. Explain how ANT and Jenkins work? Advantages of Jenkins?


What are the types of joins?

Write the syntax for left join?

Gave two tables and asked to perform full outer join?

I want to find out the 3rd largest salary in the table, asked to write the query for the table?

I want to get 40% of records from a given table, write a query?

How do I display employee names starting with ‘N’?

What is a group by and having clauses? Explain having a clause with an example?

Tell me about different types of constraints in SQL?

Explain Foreign Key constraint and Not Null constraint?

Difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE & DELETE?

Manager Round

  1. What do you know about Agile Methodology? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

  2. Types of joins you know in SQL?

  3. What is a trigger?

  4. What is Index? The index is performed on a column or table?

  5. Which framework you are following in your project?

  6. UNIX commands?

  7. What are TestNG, Apache POI, and Log4J?

  8. If I ask you to select Automation or Manual what is your choice? Want only one answer?

  9. Why Automation?

  10. What do you know about GENPACT and why GENPACT?

  11. Why should I hire you?

Check more questions on JavaSeleniumDatabaseAPI, and Manual testing.

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