Barclays Interview Questions
Collection of Barclays Interview Questions. The section contains a real-time interview experience shared by the interviewees.
1. What you have done till now as part of your IT experience?
2. Do you know OOPs concepts and in framework where and how you have implemented it?
3. Can we declare a private class?
4. What is difference between == and equals?
5. How string is immutable?
6. Where strings get stored and where reference gets stored?
7. Can you please explain with the reference of memory location that how string is immutable?
8. If not want to use String class then what can be used?
9. Difference between String and StringBuffer.
10. What collections you have used? Have you used HashMap?
11. List declaration?
12. Where used Set?
13. You have an application like flipkart and you want to buy a pen, so you have added that item two times to cart using add to cart button, but in cart only one entry for item should be displayed with quantity as 2, so how you’ll test this?
14. 1 to 100 numbers will be flashed on screen only once and you have to find the missing number.
15. I have a table and want to store all table data then which collection should be ust and why?
16. What HashMap will return?
17. How to achieve inheritance without having interface?
18. Method overloading and method overriding? Where used in framework?
19. If I want that my class should not be extended and instance cannot be created by other class then how to declare class?
20. How to store multiple values in one reference?
21. In cucumber, in which class you have gluecode, how many classes for gluecode and what was the program line limit for class?
22. How to find missing implementation in Cucumber?
23. Used static data or dynamic data, what was the approach?
24. How to resolved conflicts while pushing code in Git?
25. Write a program to merge two sorted arrays?
Input: a[] = {1,3,5,7,9} b[]={2,4,6,8}
Output: C[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
26.What is Shift Left testing and where do we use it?
About Barclays
Check more questions on Java, Selenium, Database, API, and Manual testing.