Nagarro Interview Questions
Collection of Nagarro Interview Questions. The section contains a real-time interview experience shared by the interviewees.
Technical Round 1
1. How to handle alerts? driver.switchTo().alert() -- >> .accept(); |
2. How to take screenshots? File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver) |
3. What is actions class? Write the syntax for it. WebElement link = |
4. How to capture broken links? |
5. What are the different types of waits? driver.manage().timeouts() |
Can you write syntax for Implcit and Explicit wait? |
6. Scripts execution in HEADLESS mode? ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); |
How many ways it is possible? |
7. DesiredCapabilities? Write down the syntax? DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities |
8. setCapabilities and addArguements? ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); |
9. Write data (with Columns) using Apache POI? |
10. How many Meetings in Agile? Daily scrum, Sprint planning, Sprint retrospective Backlog Refinement/Grooming |
11. You are the only one Automation resource in your project, |
What would be your approach? Are you able to design the framework from scratch? |
Cucumber -> Feature file, Steps and how to run the test cases? |
Technical Round 2
About Nagarro
Check more questions on Java, Selenium, Database, API, and Manual testing.