Accenture- Interview Questions

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Accenture Interview Question

Collection of Accenture Interview Questions. The section contains a real-time interview experience shared by the interviewees.

  1. Selenium, Appium, and java which version used in the project.

  2. Waits in selenium?

  3. Thread. sleep in selenium

  4. How you will select frames from multiple frames?

  5. Appium default server and port number

  6. How to do the setup for Appium testing?

  7. Explain excel data-driven testing

  8. Explain the framework used in the project

  9. Action and select class methods

  10. How to right-click in selenium?

  11. TestNG annotations.

  12. How you will define in testng if any other methods depend on any method.

  13. Types of Xpath

  14. Parent-child traversing in Xpath.

  15. Suppose there are two elements with the same locators then how you will select the second element.

  16. How you will give priority in TestNG

  17. Explain window handling in selenium.

  18. Which external plugin is required to upload files in selenium?

  19. Explain Java modifiers

  20. Which java modifiers you used in your project- for main class file which modifier you have used?

  21. Java program to find duplicates

  22. Java program to find product without using multiplication.

  23. Can we achieve multiple inheritance?

  24. Difference between merge and rebase.

  25. If there is a textbox, which accepts 100 characters only when you start typing the tooltip should be there displaying how many characters are left. How will you validate how many counts are left?

  26. How do you decide the test case is feasible for automation or not?

  27. Questions on agile – process, scrum framework, retrospective meeting, team

  28. Questions on API testing – different status code, idempotent method, some scenarios as well.

  29. How will you connect the DB to java,

  30. SQL query – find the second-largest salary

Accenture Interview Questions  2021

  1. What you have done still now as part of your IT experience?
  2. Do you know OOPs concepts and in a framework where and how you have implemented them?
  3. Can we declare a private class?
  4. What is the difference between == and equals?
  5. How the string is immutable?
  6. Where strings get stored and where reference gets stored?
  7. Can you please explain with the reference to the memory location that how the string is immutable?
  8. If not want to use the String class then what can be used?
  9. Difference between String and StringBuffer.
  10. What collections you have used? Have you used HashMap?
  11. List declaration.
  12. Where used Set.
  13. You have an application like Flipkart and you want to buy a pen, so you have added that item two times to the cart using add to cart button, but in the cart, only one entry for an item should be displayed with quantity as 2, so how you’ll test this?
  14. 1 to 100 numbers will be flashed on the screen only once and you have to find the missing number.
  15. I have a table and want to store all table data than which collection should be used and why?
  16. What HashMap will return?
  17. How to achieve inheritance without having an interface?
  18. Method overloading and method overriding? Where used in the framework?
  19. If I want that my class should not to be extended and the instance cannot be created by other classes then how to declare class?
  20. How to store multiple values in one reference?
  21. In cucumber, in which class you have glue code, how many classes for glue code, and what was the program line limit for the class?
  22. How to find missing implementation in Cucumber?
  23. Used static data or dynamic data, what was the approach?
  24. How to resolve conflicts while pushing code in Git?
About Accenture

Accenture plc is an Irish multinational company selling consulting and processing services. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $44.33 billion in 2020 and had 506,000 employees. In 2015, the company had about 150,000 employees in India, 48,000 in the US, and 50,000 in the Philippines.

CEO: Julie Sweet (1 Sep 2019–)

Customer service: 00 1 312-842-5012

Headquarters: Dublin, Ireland
Founder: Clarence DeLany
Founded: 1989, Hamilton, Bermuda
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Check more questions on JavaSeleniumDatabaseAPI, and Manual testing.

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