Selenium Advanced Questions
Below is the list of most frequently asked selenium interview questions. The list contains Selenium Advanced Questions which will be very helpful for your next interview.
1- What is a framework? Explain types of framework. 2- Which framework you have used and why? 3- Explain framework, with components. 4- What is the role of automation in your project? 5- What are the advantages of the Framework/ benefits of a framework? Answer:
6- What is POM design pattern? Explain POM design pattern rules. 7- How many page class you created? 8- How many modules you worked on? 9- What is the advantages of POM object repository? Answer:
10- Write a Program to store object in POM and explain how to access an object from POM. 11- Write a Program to read the data from Excel. 12- What is data-driven testing? 13- How to achieve data-driven testing? Answer: Apache POI 14- Why do you get the data from Excel why not Data Base or other File? Answer: Excel is userfriendly 15- How to run the same test with multiple test data? Answer: @data provider 16- Where do you use Polymorphism in your framework? Answer: Explain Base class to launch the browser 17- Where do you use Upcasting in your framework? Answer: Webdriver driver = new FirefoxDriver 18- Where do we use inheritance in selenium framework? Answer: Class test extends Base{… 19- Where do we use Abstraction in selenium framework Answer: Class ListnerImp implements ItestListner{…. 20- Where do we use Encapsulation in selenium framework Answer: POM Classes 21- Where do we use Overriding in selenium framework? Answer: Class SampleListner implements ItestListner{ Public void ontestFailure(){ Take screenshot } } 22- Where do we use OverLoading in selenium framework Answer: Class CrteateContact extends baseConfigClass{ createConatct(String firstNAme, String lastNAme){ } } } 23- Why your framework is hybrid, why not other frameworks? Answer: 24-What is your role in selenium framework/contribution in the framework? Answer:
25- What your accomplishment 26- Without a framework, what are the challenges? 27- What suggestion you give your FrameWork 28- List Selenium Excpecption you faced in Real-Time. Answer: NoSuchElement StaleElement excelption ElementNotVisible IllegalState Exception NoSuchWindowException TimeOut BrowserNotconnected 30- What is TestNG, why it is required? Answer: Unit testing framework tool, used for grouping, parallel execution, Assertion, HTML report 31 – Without TestNG, what all the challenges you faced? 32- Why TestNG, Why not JUNIT? Answer: Additional annotation HTML reporting Grouping Parameterization Support both java and .net Parallel execution 33- What is the use of @beforeSuite , @afterSuite in testing? Answer: @AfterSuite will execute only once in entire suite execution Real-Time usage : to close connection of extent report and to get the execution report backup. 34- Explain the hierarchy of testNG annotation Answer: @beforeSuite @beforeTest @beforeClass @beforeMethod @test 35- What is batch execution and how to achieve batch execution? Answer: 36- Write Syntax of Xml 37- What is grouping execution and how to achieve group execution? 38- What is parallel execution and how to achieve parallel execution? 39- How to achieve CROSS browser testing using Selenium? 40- How to disable the testing test scripts Answer: @test(enabled=false) 41- How to execute the same test with multiple times Answer: @test(invocation count= 10) 42- What is an assertion and how many assertions you used in real-time selenium test scripts, explain with real-time examples. 43- What is @parameter annotation in TestNG, how to send parameter to testNG test? 44- How to execute the same test with multiple data Answer: @dataprrovider 45- What is the @Listner annotation in TestNG? 46- Difference between testNG-Listner & webdriver Listener 47- How to execute only failed test cases? Answer:
48- How to execute dependent test-Scripts? 49- Whenever we get build which test-scripts, you will execute first? Answer: Using the grouping concept, we will execute the smoke test first. 50- What is the role of selenium in your Project? 51- How many modules you are allocated? 52- What you do every day in the office? 53- How many test cases you can write/month? 54- How many test case you have written in your last project? 55- What processes you followed in your last project? 56- How many build you got in one release? 57- How many releases you got in the last project? 58- How many bugs, you found in automation? 59- Write an automation code for the login page for any application. 60- When we run 100 test scripts, few test scripts got failed, then what will be your first approach? 61- When we run 100 test scripts, all test scripts got failed, then what would be the issues? 62- What is your roles & responsibility in your last project? 63- When you will start automation? 64- What is not automatable in your last project? 65- What are the challenges of automation? 66- What automation process followed in your company? 67- What is the entry & exit criteria of the automation? 68- Why automation? explain the role of automation in regression testing. 69- Set of manual test cases is given to you, then what will be your first step? 70- What is GitHub? 71- What is the role of GitHub in automation? 72- What is the advantages of GitHub? 73- What is Maven? 74- What is the role of maven framework? 75- What are dependencies, how to handle dependencies in the framework? 76- What is Project Object Model [POM .XML]? 77- Explain the maven plugins you used in your framework. 78- How to execute TestNG.xml in maven? 79- What is Jenkins? 80- What is the role of Jenkins in Framework? 81- What are the advantages of Jenkins? 82- How to configure Jenkins? 83- Difference between xpath & css-selector. 84- How to execute Java-scripts in Selenium? 85- How to work with the browser scroll bar. 86- How to handle SSL popup? 87- Non-automatable test case in your project? 88- Explain the Selenium Architecture 89- Difference between Selenium-IDE & Selenium RC. 90- Difference between quit() & close(). 91- How to maximize & minimize the browser? 92- What is webdriver “interface” or “Class”? 93- What is the Super interface for WebDriver? 94- How many locators are available in Webdriver and which locator is preferred? 95- How to check whether the object is available in GUI? 96- How to check the text from the UI? 97- How to capture the color, height, width, font size of the element? 98- How to get the location of the Web element? 99- How to delete all cookies? The above list contains Selenium Advanced Questions. For more interview question visit ALLSTQ Wikipedia Selenium |